A synopsis of one garden border reclaimed from the weeds!
Is that a harp I see in the distance?

A knitted mermaid and Remembering Dad.
The bees in the garden were very busy.

Enlightened French Doors (or are the windows??)
My son couldn't resist going through the hole left from the panel before the glass was put in.
He'd never be able to do that again was his reasoning!
My son through 5 years of secondary school, phew glad that is over!
He got 10 great GCSEs and long hair.
He is now on to pastures new - horrah!
My husband's birthday photo shoot.
He's the only one with a Summer birthday so we could get out in the garden for some family photos.
Fabby LOs. You've made me get itchy fingers to get on with mine:)
Hope you have had a good start to the week. Sue
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