The perfect special day for my Craft Barn Alpha Challenge Page and the letter "Q".
The days are close to the Solstices and Equinoxes and are:-
Lady Day - 25th March
Midsummer's Day - 24th June
Michaelmas Day - 29th September
Christmas Day - 25th December
My dictionary definition even had this meaning in it so I highlighted it with glossy accents.
Great idea and beautiful entry! Love the colours :-)
Hi Bj, lovely page, great word choice. This is a tough one, will have to deliberate on what to pick. Hugs Frea
Fab alpha entry BJ, I love the layout, sooooo perfect for your definition of course. Lol never heard of this one so thank-you for the explanation sweetie.
Huge hugs x x x x
This is a beautiful entry for your book, but I've never paid bills quarterly. Come to think of it, I think my friend Sally pays her trash bill that way, though.
Good history lesson, as well as lovely art.
Great word choice BJ and I love the bright colours for your beautiful page.
Love the page - your book of days for this dictionary challenge has been a real history lesson, I've learnt some fascinating facts (although I did know about quarter days before..)
Love how you've done this with the four colours and different patterns depicting the seasons!
Wonderful page, great colours and choice of word.
Sylv xx
Fabulous choice of word and representation BJ. Love the vibrant colours of your spread and the way the eye is taken around it.
That's wonderful, love the bright colors.
oooh, this is quite spooky BJ - I've just finished prepping my page and come for a rest & to visit some pages when I spy yours and find the similarities. Coool for me, I admire your work very much :o)
I did not know about quater days. Great interpretation!
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