Whilst out walking/geocaching yesterday, my husband #10 Photo Bombed my #07 A Rural Landscape photo. So I did likewise to his! Not exactly lurking in the background but rather "in your face".

Think I might be struggling for #15 A Juggler, #16 A Sign in a Different Language, #18 Waterfall and even the alternative #A A Kite, Hot Air Balloon or Blimp (whatever that is!!)
Oh and for the record a photo of #17 An Old Lamppost next to a New One. No comparison really, what we have gained in height we have lost in artistic quality.
Fun photo bombs, and a lovely birdhouse, even if it has no occupants!
Your photo bombs made me smile! It's the juggler that is eluding me. I had high hopes of finding one on the streets of Edinburgh, during the Fringe, but no.
That's a great birdhouse. I reckon some up-market birds would love it.
Well done, good luck with the last few. Diane
Loving that birdhouse!....where have all the jugglers. Gone?!
Thanks for stopping by my blog
Alison xx
Fun shots. It looks like you're having a good time.
You are nearly finished, and I'm so proud of you. Isn't it amazing how the photos you find difficult to get, I found easily, and the ones you found quickly seem to be eluding me. But I did think of you when I was adding my bird on a wire. Even laughed, because I knew you would (grin).
BTW, I love both photo bombs. That's the one I may not get.
Those photo bombs make me giggle!
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