About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

WOYWW #160 - Scrapping

Hi Everyone, and happy WOYWW to you all. Here's my desk as usual. Seems that I am having a bit of a scrapping episode at the moment. I did the Scrap365 July sketch the other day, then the one of my car getting its puncture fixed, now the creations from my son's Year 8 technology classes. Oh and I did a Scout St George's Day Parade too. (not shown)

I have included a photo of all my scrapbook albums aswell. I am just about to complete my 8th album (lilac one) of day to day type layouts. They all have 30 pages in therefore 60 layouts in each! There are also 3 "special" albums with the basic 10 pages in and I have recently started the 3rd of those. The orange album on the left is of my grandmother's post card collection from the war, and the far left is one of my 19 sticky backed albums I used for my photographs before I discovered Scrapping. On the lower shelf is my first ever scrapbook, an Anna Griffin 6"x6" album with our family tree in it. The green 8"x8" album is a family one where I do a page each year of the 3 of us. The baby photo is of our son, moments old, on his keepsake box. There is even a little embroidery there too.

Oh and finally an ATC using the metal tape I mentioned the other day using Morti's method with diecuts beneath it and embossing tool patterns ontop.

Oh and did I mention the dress form? My Mother sent it to me last week, it is supposed to be a pincushion but I might have to "alter" it somehow, any suggestions? BJ


Lisa said...

Looks like you have been creating lots. You space looks very tidy for so much creating!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

WOW, you really ARE a scrapbooker. I can't believe all those albums. Guess that's comparable to my many ABs. Love the ATC using the HVAC tape. Pretty awesome. I look forward to tomorrow's frame.

Robin Panzer Art said...

Lovely Scrapbook pages! You've been a busy gal! Happy WOYWW!

Anonymous said...

What an interesting post BJ, so many things going on. Love that you have your family tree scrapped but mine's never ending, keep following more leads and finding more people! The metal embossing is really cool.

Brenda 5

Danielle said...

Lots of scrapping going on! And I like how you keep your albums in order. dani31

Joynana said...

So much going on this week. Love the layouts and the ATC. #35

peggy aplSEEDS said...

what a neat desk and what a treasure those albums are! the metal tape ATC is gorgeous. makes mw tempted to go out and buy some tape! happy WOYWW!
blessings and hugs from #24
peggy aplSEEDS

SandeeNC said...

ok...let's address the dress form, shall we? I think a shuttle cock would be the perfect skirt for her, with some netting across the bodice...( I just had to work the word shuttle cock into the post somehow! ) hee hee And on a more serious note, that ATC you made is TOTALLY awesome girl!! makes you look like a bad girl in that metal!! waving the number #49 from the hills of North Carolina :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you've been having a super creative time. Love the layouts and the ATC.


Zoe #54

Redanne said...

Goodness, you have been busy BJ! Loe that you have your Grandmother's post cards, that will make an intersting scrapbook, if you decide to do one. Love your Son's 8th year page, especially the tarts. Your ATC is brilliant. Anne x #57

Inkypinkycraft said...

that is some collection of scrapbooks and the pages look great. love the idea for an all metal atc!
have a great week.
ps i have some nearly a year anniversary blog candy! trace x 58

Anonymous said...

Humm. As I had to use a different browser to comment, blogger eraser my long comment and made me log in to Wordpress again. Silly Blogger. Let's see if this one works

Love your pages!

Mary Anne (1)

Helen said...

Wow, what a great desk - you have been so busy! Helen, 26

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Very pretty LOs you've done there! And I like the metal whatsit too, though don't have a clue how you achieved it!! You have to excuse me there as I'm a non paper crafter :)
I think that if you're discovering PINK right now then the dress form has to be all things pink and girly - there's too much grunge around!
Hugs, LLJ #3 xx

Erica said...

What a fun little corner!

Hazel said...

Perhaps use the dress form to house brads. Love your LOs and lots of interest on your desk. Cool idea for the ATC (must remember that). Thanks for letting us have a peep into your workspace today. Hope you have a good week. Hazel, WOYWW #27 x

Sandy said...

What fantastic projects you have. Sandy :) #51

CraftygasheadZo said...

Super makes and that dress form is fab! Take care, enjoy this week's snooping extravaganza! Zo xx 74

Ann B said...

Love that metal layout and the ATC. Have loads of metal but keep forgetting about it - will have to get it out now.

Ann B

sandra de said...

Beautiful layouts and I can't wait to see how you alter the dress form.
Sandra @105

Sarn said...

Very organised!

Happy WOYWW.

Sarn #79

Diana Taylor said...

I just love that dress form - I don't know what I would do with it but I want it!!! That metal bj is spectacular - what a great and effective technique.
Have a great week
Diana #106

Glenda said...

Great LOs and I love the dress form. Can't wait to see what you do with that!

Unknown said...

I love the metal ATC, I may have to have a play with that idea myself for one of my sketchbook covers. Thanks for sharing!! Sian WOYWW Number 100

Peggy said...

You are a busy girl. I love the metal ATC I love metal works and this is awesome have a great day!

Unknown said...

Hi BJ that metal tape technique looks fun and very effective. Might have to try that one! You must be a whizzy scrapbooker. It takes me hours and hours to do a layout - should I choose this paper - or maybe that one - or what about that one mmmmmm Am I painting a picture? :-) WOYWW Hugs from Helen 89

Princess Judy Palmer said...

You've been busy creating with your wonderful layouts. I love the idea of scrap booking the random sort of day to day things that happen, like getting a tire fixed. Hopefully that doesn't happen every day, but you know what I mean. It doesn't always have to be about special occasions. I like that metal tape look. I have a card someone sent me using that technique. It is neat but I'm afraid it looks fiddly. I doubt I could get such a smooth finish like you did. I think you should alter the dress form pincushion with flowers and pearls.

Monica said...

Now I am intrigued by your grannies PC collection!

Unknown said...

HI, thank you for commenting on my blog - just so you know, all 3 came through in the end, not sure what was going on there some sort of cyber bug paid a visit for a minute probably!! lol xx

Geri said...

Love the metal embossed ATC! I've done a few like that myself and really think they turn out with a great effect. Happy WOYWW!

505whimsygirl said...

I noticed that dress form right off! Perhaps a nice pair of wings? Maybe metal ones using the same technique you did on your ATC?

Your scrapbook pages are great - even the one about the flat! tee hee

Hugs, Kay #34

Spyder said...

quickly plugged the 'puter in so I could have a snoop around woyww! looking very creative this week! I often, sometimes, cut open my glue tubes and run them through the embossing folders...or even cut them... yes, and as above, I'm thinking metal wings too!
((Lyn)) Happy WOYWW!
#32 now...getting younger!

Spyder said...

please note....the glue tubes are empty ones, I'd used up all the glue before I squished them!

Tertia said...

Lovely LO's you have made. That dress form is quite beautiful too, I am afraid I really suck at altering things, so no advice here.
Finally finished marking those exams, so now I can visit a bit.

Bernice said...

Great work on your scrapbooking - I collect lots of stuff, but hardly ever get round to doing anything with them! We had the Queen in our part of the world this week - very exciting!
Bernice (21)

Queen Lightwell said...

Your desk has so much creative goodness at hand! And WOW on the number of scrapbooks you've done!!! I've barely done one and that was just for a friend, I mean it was of her family's summer vaca so I didn't even have to take all the pictures. And she bought the papers and stuff so, anyways, WOW on your talent and dedication to getting so many finished! Your ATC is pretty cool, gonna have to scour backwards and find your instructions, huh? I definitely want to try that out! :)
The dress form looks really lovely, maybe some flowers and pearls as someone above suggested...the first thing that came to my mind is to shabby chic paint the wood parts on it, cream with areas *worn* off like. I haven't altered too many things, still I'm guessing whatever you do will look fabulous! :)
Thanks for stopping by and seeing my mess! lol
Deeyll #153

Whimcees said...


So many wonderful things on your workdesk! I have seen many creative ways to decorate the dress form - you could Google it! I love the metal tape ATC - it is beautiful! What a great idea! Wishing you a happy weekend!


Barbara Diane