Looking at my messy desk (so unusual for me)
I thought you'd all like to see that I too can get into a pickle.
The craft workshop was themed on different ways of using punched shapes, here's their examples.
I have just made up a 2nd birthday card for my Godson's daughter with some of the ice-cream shapes. I made a couple of owl cards at the workshop last week. So not very adventurous really.
Here's the presents I got and them all wrapped up - just waiting for the glitter glue to dry before I pop to the post office.
Oh and in case you are all wondering what I have been up to, I have been doing a lot of harp practice. I posted a video of me playing "Charlotte In Spring" here.
My husband recorded me again https://soundcloud.com/thechrisgregory/billy-playing-her-welsh-harp-next-to-the-garden-door-charlotte-in-spring-by-fiona-clifton-welker
Happy WOYWW everyone.
Thanks for calling by at mine earlier. I love harp music and really love your crafty makes.
Annie x # 13
At least your desk looks busy, even if the stuff is from last week :) Happy woyww!
Kristiina #14
I think I would have just sat looking blankly at those punch outs, love both the cards but your ice-cream card, brill!
Love your harp playing - went for a listen.
Thanks for sharing
Have a good week
Bishopsmate #42
I can't believe you're here today.
I was only thinking about you yesterday when I saw my poor saxophone which has been packed away in it's case for months. Unfortunately, family stuff has meant I have had to spread myself a bit thinly.
So pleased to see you back. Happy woyww, Angela x 23
see i dont see mess i see busy-ness :)
good to see you back and thanks for your earlier visit
thanks for sharing have a great week
Charlie x {Mrs.C} #5
I don't visit as much as I'd like BJ... but as long as we get there now and again I suppose that's all that matters.
Busy desk with lots of lovely work.
Happy WOYWW to you
Welcome back! That's so clever - all the alternatives for using your owl punched shapes. Lovely cards and I really enjoyed listening to your harp piece, beautiful. Thank you for sharing and thanks for popping by my blog earlier :)
Angela x
Angel Greetings #24
Hi Your desk looks very well organised to me, I love those animals and cards
I am impressed at all the different ways you found to use the owl punch!
Thanks for the blog visit earlier.
Happy creating and happy woyww,
Sandy #34
I am thinking of a duet for harp and tuba.... or whatever that big bass horn is LLJ plays! Cute punched shapes and and cards.
Happy late in the day WOYWW!
Mary Anne (9)
Quite some beautiful projects on your desk and lovely harp playing!
Happy WOYWW!
Gabriele 15
Ha ha that's not messy - you can see desk ;) Thanks for your lovely comments this morn. Soojay 3#
Hi BJ, it's lovely to catch up with again. I love all your little owls, they are so cute.
Thanks for visiting earlier and if you'd like the measurements for the heart book, just let me know and I'll email them to you. It's very easy.
Hugs Lisax #18
Hey there! It's great to see you on the desks again :-). And I can't think of a better reason to be away than learning a new instrument. You sound great, by the way..very impressive. The harp has a beautiful tone!
Hugs, LLJ 2 xx
So glad you dropped by earlier . What beautiful cards & other projects on your desk. Thanks for sharing . Jill #25
Great to see you back!! Love the owls.. thanks for visiting.. what can I say. I need more stuff!! Helen 6
You have been busy.
That video was lovely. The music is so relaxing.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sue #16
what gorgeous presents, I totally love your owl cards too!! Lea number 43
I LOVE all the creative ways you learned on how to use an owl punch. What brand is it? Happy Birthday to your godson's daughter and have a great week!
I love the little sheep you punched - so cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Happy (belated) woyww and a hug from HOlland, Marit #265
Welcome back to woyww and lovely to see and hear that you have been creative in a different way. Gorgeous cards.
sandra de @32
Nice to see you again - I kept on saying "BJ? BJ?" and as soon as I saw your photo it all slotted into space. I must follow your links.
Lovely array of cards and things on your desk - it looks so colourful.
Hugs, & Thanks for your visit - Neet 22 xx
Do take some pictures of your husbands stain glass windows when he's done would love to see them and you have lots going on at your space right now happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 8
Oh I love harp music. I havent used the link yet asII'm travelling and internet access is limited, but when I get home I will.
The cards with the die cuts are lovely. I like the one with the owls.
Thanks for visiting,
Have a great week,
Love harp music as well. Lovely photos of your desk and projects.
Thanks for calling by my blog. Your craft area looks so inviting and all those crafty activities are fab! x jo
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