About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

WOYWW #171 - Curtains

Bit late today, family hit by a late Summer cold. Husband has just gone back to work after a couple of days off sick and son only managed a couple of days of the new term before he too is off sick. I am pending the same but as a SAHM you can't really get a day off, can you?

As for my desk, not much crafting has taken place except my SWAP/ABAC/Tim Holtz ATC entry which you can see on my previous post. Other than that my picture shows my new lace curtains. I bought a set from Ikea the other week just to make the half curtains for my room and the bathroom but they were SO long that I was able to make two long ones for my room as well. They edge the window nicely when the curtains are open, and I just love the scalloped edges, so pretty and romantic.

As I am not at badminton today as I am just not up to it, I really ought to try to get some scrapping done..........

Oh dear in my haste to get something done this morning I forgot to mention why on earth I am sharing my curtains/desk with you all and what WOYWW means. So pop along to Julia's place and all will be explained.


Redanne said...

Hi BJ, sorry to hear that you have all had a bit of a time with bugs, hope you feel much better soon and your curtains are very pretty, especially the scalloped edges. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #82

Unknown said...

Hi BJ thanks for popping by. If I am not here next week then please send someone to look for me in my cupboard!! Love the curtains. They look fabulously floaty. Hope the bugs all leave your house soon! Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 5

Mary Jo said...

Such very pretty curtains!
I am sorry you are not feeling well.
And you are so right!
Mama's don't get a day off.
Hope you feel better soon!
Mary Jo #40

Eliza said...

I hope all is well in your house again, nothing worse than men being sick they are such babies. Lovely new curtains and yes the scalloped edges are beautiful.

Thanks for sharing and happy crafting.
Eliza #93

Anonymous said...

Hope you can manage some extra rest -- it seems like the best medicine for colds, although it's frustrating to give up crafting time for extra sleep. The curtains are lovely! Wishing you good health and a good day. ~ Laura #124 (Thanks for visiting me.) :)

ScrappnBee said...

Great curtains! I am impressed (as I am sewing challenged!) Sorry to hear that the sickness has hit the family! Good luck getting some crafting done. Happy WOYWW- Amanda 97

Trish Latimer said...

Hope everyone is feeling better soon! Happy woyww! Trish #76

Krisha said...

The bug will soon find an other home and you'll feel better! Love lace curtains and yours are georgous.
Krisha #50

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh, I'm well impressed that you're sewing curtains!! As much as I enjoy sewing, curtains make me twitch, can't bear doing them so am impressed with your skills...seriously :D
Hugs, LLJ #73 xx

Helen said...

Hope you all get over your colds soon! I need some new nets for my bedroom, too.... good job don't show THAT on WOYWW... Have a good day, cold allowing. Thanks for stopping by. Helen, 18

Darnell said...

Sorry to hear that you've all been under the weather! You're right, Moms don't get "days off!" Lovely curtains you unexpectedly ended up with. I, too, love those scalloped edges.

Hope you all get well soon! Thanks for coming by to visit me earlier! Darnell #74

Words and Pictures said...

Hope the bugs clear off soon and leave your family in good health, and you free to get on with both badminton and craftiness! Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Dawn said...

Oooh, hope you all feel better soon. Your curtains look fab, brilliant job my lovely.
Big hugs x x x x

Ali H said...

Curtains look fab ! Looks like your Cuttlebug has a great view ! Ali #59

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh you're right, that frame of lace is really pretty - very scandinavian! I expect not being up to Badminton means really that you need sofa time..the thing about being a SAHM is that any free time feels like it should be filled. Hope you're feeling a little better today.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

The curtains look so pretty and delicate. I do like half curtains for a bit of privacy. My living room (my craft room) has one wall that is all window with long blinds that I usually crack open for the sun and for the cats. My neighbors comment that I'm always at my desk! Half curtains would be nice but I would have no idea how to go about them since the windoes are so huge and no wall on either side (just metal sidings). One of the neighbors has half curtains. I should invite myself over for a look see.

SandeeNC said...

I adore the new lace cutains, so soft and feminine! Very pretty, and I think they suit you to a tee! Hope everyone feels better soon! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

sandra de said...

Pretty curtains ... and I can see with all those sick people around it can be hard to remember what you started. Hope you get to Badminton next week.

Elizabeth said...

Hi BJ, just catching up with my WOYWW comments - I must be the slowest WOYWWer on the planet - anyway, love your lace screens, very pretty and feminine. Hope everyone has recovered by now and no, if my memory serves me well, there is no time off for SAHMs. Hope your weekend is going well. Elizabeth x #11

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Could I possibly get any later? I'm really trying to play catch-up and am so sorry to read that your entire family has caught the wrong type of bug. My computer bug, although extremely frustrating and more than likely costly, is no match for a sick family and a sick SAHM. I hope by now, things are much better.

Those are some beautiful curtains you've added to your craft space. It looks like you have one incredibly gorgeous view from that window, too.

I didn't come from WOYWW, just catching up. However, I think I was #2 this week.

Jan Hennings said...

Lookin good :) Love having a peek into the spaces of fellow crafter's! If you happen to peek in on my blog, be sure to wear a hard hat! LOL!