Bit in the wars today as I had a Wisdom Tooth out yesterday - ouch. Took him 3 goes and 3 injections but eventually it came out - unfortunately they threw it away :(
I even missed my son's investiture at Explorers last night as I felt so horrid, have more badges to sew on now though.

Anyway here's my desk with the fallout from Monday's Craft Club where we did Christmas Quilling. I didn't manage to get round to sticking any on cards but did lay them out.
I also dug out my own quilling stash now I am in the mood - so to speak.

Sad news is that this club is finishing with next month's session which is a big shame as I really enjoyed it and it is close to me and in the daytime. Oh well it was good whilst it lasted.

Also on my you'll spot my
Timmy Tag for the month, wasn't taken by the technique this month but the finished tag is growing on me.
There's my November zine for
12 months in view, along with the pocket and tag. Love the poppies.

Over on my dressing table is my knitting basket now with SIX sheep, also my
Alpha Challenge page for "Q" and Quarter Days. You'll spot last years Attitude of Gratitude journal above too.
Think that is me for this week, pop over to
Julia's for more WOYWW desk hopping.