About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

WOYWW #187 - AJ Completed!

Happy New Year everyone. I got my spray booth out this year and MADE myself finish off my little Art Journal.

I use the sides of my spray booth to test my sprays on so they are getting rather colourful now.

Along with two mists all my Dylusions fit in a Mini Roll box which I reinforced with tape and sprayed with all the inks to decorate it.

Didn't have much of an idea of what to do for my last page in my journal so just went with the flow. Had to use my latest and last addition to my Dylusion ink set - yep the dreaded BLACK!

I also did the front and back inside covers. The latter was based on a cover seen in a friend's journal (you know who you are but I don't wish to spoil it for the otheres in the Round Robin). The front inside cover went a bit wrong so I had to stick a piece of waste sprayed paper over the mess!

Just need something to write on the back inside cover, I'll have to ponder that one.

Anyway, to pop along to other desks in this New Year blog hop called What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW), go to Julia's place. Have a GOOD one.

PS - I have just finished the January Timmy Tag too, have a look here -  Horrah!


Claire said...

oooh!! what pretties!! and what fun you're going to have with your sprayer :)
wishing you all good things in 2013 and happy WOYWW :o)
no. 14

okienurse said...

very nice journal pages this year! Are you going to continue with an art journal in 2013? Hope you have a Happy and Prosperous New Year! I look forward to seeing your posts in 2013! Vickie #17

Redanne said...

Well done BJ for completing your little art journal and the page you show is gorgeous. Love your spray booth too.... Happy New Year to you and yours, hope 2013 is a good one for you. Anne x #7

Neil said...

Just popping in to say Hi. Hope the coming year is a good, creative and blessed one for you! Now that journal is done you'll be starting on the next? Gorgeous colours!
Neil #36

shazsilverwolf said...

The journal is fabulous, colours are gorgeous!Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #41 xx

MiniOwner said...

Oooh I love your art journal - such gorgeous colours. Happy New Year and Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@67)

Eliza said...

Ok I am ooohhhh ing and aaaaahhhh ing over those journal pages they are great...

Happy New Year

Helen said...

The spray booth is a great idea - saves all that mess! Your journal is looking gorgeous. Have a good week. helen, 4

Ann B said...

Just bought a new journal ready for 2013 so I'm ready to go. Love your pages, the green is so vibrant and even more so when you stamp with black, perfect.
Ann B

LisaDV said...

Great spray booth. I just use a box but with shorter sides. Lovely pages too. Happy New Year. LisaDV #99

Erika said...

Hi BJ Happy New Year, love your spray booth, great idea and fab journalling pages. All the best for a crafty 2013, hugs Erika. 59

505whimsygirl said...

Hi BJ,

Great journal pages! I have a little cut up box for my spray painting. It works perfectly - and does look interesting with the different colors.

Happy WOYWW and Happy 2013!


Unknown said...

Your art journal looks like it is packed with gorgeous pages! Mine is so full, it will not close all the way! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #63

Ali H said...

Hi Happy New Year - brilliant to get a whole journal finished ! I have been doing this since 2010 and don't a single finished one !! I just get the urge to try a new book !! Must focus on getting my 2012 one full in 2013 !!
You asked me last week how I do the photo montages - sorry things have been a bit all over the place the past week so I didn't get back to you - I downloaded a free programme called Photoscape from the internet & I use the "Page" part of it - saw it on another girl's blog a year or so ago & she recommended it. I use the "Editor" bit to crop & resize my photos for my blog - its so simple.
The "Page" montages are reduced in size when you go to save them - so this is brilliant for your blogging & emailing - but if you try to print them they can get a bit blurry. Anyway - its free & its good - so maybe give it a go ?
Take care
Ali xx #121

Nan G said...

Oh your journal pages are gorgeous! Love the bright colors! New Year's greetings! Nan 78