About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (currently a year behind!), plus any cards as required. As my Carpal Tunnel allows I am getting into yarn/fabric crafts with slow stitching and needle felting added to my list. I continue with my love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus Faith/Art Journaling with acrylics and inks. I completed my challenge to make an art journal page a day for my 60th year in 2024. My list of crafty exploits includes ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like Walking/Geocaching. I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Evangelical Church.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

WOYWW #243 - Busy (without even noticing)

I must say that doing WOYWW on a weekly basis gives me a chance to take stock of the week gone by and all I have achieved, and this week it seems to be more than I even noticed which is very pleasing indeed.

So exactly what did I do? The different items are highlighted so you can link to the original post if you want more detail.

1) The first half of my 52 weeks spread.

2) My DLP diary round-up for the 5 January prompts.
There is also my Timmy Tag die awaiting some die cutting for friends, and the Sensodyne toothpaste box awaiting decorating as it is just the right size for 6 Distress Markers - yes I only have 6!

3) The decorated envelope for my 12 months journal, in the background behind the tags.

4) And horrah - my Timmy Tag at last! A joint project as it is one of my 12 months Cotton Traders recycled tags for the January pocket.

I also finished up my other 2 scrap pages.

And the blue and green items you might wonder, well they are to make up a little house decoration for my Aunt's birthday on Saturday, so I must get a move on with that if I am going to post it tomorrow!

And finally, my much used Nexus 7 for dummies book - jolly handy.

Might have to leave my replies until later in the week, but if you comment and leave your number "I'll be there!" I always try my best to return the visit but some desks/links prove impossible, especially in the Google+ department. I'll do my best. Happy WOYWW everyone.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Timmy Tag 2014 #01

I'm all of a "combine a project" mode this year it would seem. I have yet again been pondering my Timmy Tag all month and realised I hadn't yet done the little tag for my 12 Months Challenge. So guess what?

Yep I did my Timmy Tag on the recycled Cotton Traders tag which is only diddy. 9x5cm

I told myself to forget what I did and didn't have in my stash and to just "go with the flow".

So there we have it, my January Timmy 12 Months tag, which still fits in its pocket.

Monday, 27 January 2014

12 Months - January Envelope

The art challenge for January on the 12 months blog is to decorate an envelope. How could I pass by the chance to add the envelope in which I received some goodies from our blog host Bernice. Well it did have some lovely stamped pears on it.

I covered the rest with some giveaway papers and added some diecuts from another swap. I guess I didn't follow the art challenge at all but I did use what I had. I reinforced the envelope edge with some washi tape.

At the moment the envelope stays gaping open, I think it thinks it is a basking shark! I'll see how it goes but can always add a velcro fastener.

Gosh it is the February calendar pages next, the last month in this challenge.

Documented Life Project - January 2014

Thought it about time I did a dedicated Documented Life Project (DLP) posting.

This project is about doing a bit of journaling in your yearly planner or in my case the little diary I received as a present. I use this diary mainly for crafty reminders as we have a family desk diary downstairs for all appointments.

You can add "tip-ins" extra fold out pages on the end of each page using washi tape. I am just adding them as I go along.

In the DLP each week you get a prompt and you can make of it what you wish. I have also filled in one of the beginning pages with bits and bobs. Guess how old I'll be in just over 2 weeks?

So far we have had 5 prompts:

1) Your Front Door - just love our original wooden front door.

2) Selfie and One little Word (your mantra for the year) I'm trying to be humble, but it is certainly not an easy task, could well take all year and more...

3) Add an envelope - I used a decorated one which I received in a swap last year. Had to cut it into 3 though.

4) Secret Message - paint over it leaving one key word. My word is "wondering" and I guess I'll leave you wondering what my message was.

5) Doodled Border - I added a border to this page, the picture is from the Radio Times (TV magazine here in the UK) from the radio section, there are always some cool pictures there. Something about this one grabbed me.

I seem to have acquired a few Sharpie pens on this journey too. This may come as a shock to some as I am not really a pen person, but am loving the metallic ones I got in Staples when I got the Washi tape at Christmas last.

So there we are then - my first month's worth of the DLP.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

52 weeks - week #03 - part 1

Still not settled into a rhythm with all the challenges I am doing this year, but had a mind for a red background for this week's pages so went with that.

My fingers are still red from the Dylusions of last night! I popped a piece of scrap paper behind my journal so I could get a piece for the tip-in in my diary for the Documented Life Project (DLP) too.

The DLP seems to be a week ahead of the others and their prompt this week (4) was to write a secret message and paint over it leaving a key word, so that is exactly what I did. My diary is only 14cmx7cm so it is only diddy.

I took the theme of singing/rejoicing from Psalm 5 and added some lips for the smile prompt in the Journal 52 challenge. I love the thought that there is a song in our heart for Jesus.

The Craft Barn prompt isn't up until tomorrow so the blank page is awaiting that, and I suppose it will have to be lyrics this week considering. The Craft Barn put up 2 words each fortnight so I thought I could do one a week.

Another "red" project was to make some more tags for church, which I did yesterday too.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

WOYWW #242 - Scrapping At Last!

Yay I have finally got around to doing some scrapping! Egged on by some new papers and the set of chipboard letters I got for an Advent gift.

I have finished 2 pages and have another 2 laid out ready for more inspiration.

Trying to see if I can use up all the letters. Managed JENGA, UPPING, BEACON and WALES so far!

I also got around the the recycling challenge on 12 months in view and made these Angels out of old Christmas cards.

I did my weekly journaling pages of Psalm 3, A special place (my garden with the birdsong), and a quote with "Smile" in it. I have the free printables from Psalm 5 pending inspiration for this week.

So come join in the blog hop fun known as WOYWW.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

12 Months Catch Up & More

Been a bit behind with the 12 Months in View Challenge due to all the other challenges starting this month, but finally managed to get my Recycled Challenge done.

Love my little angels made out of old Christmas Cards.

For the Documented Life Project - Week 3 we had to "Add an Envelope" received in the post.

I have cut up an altered envelope I received in a swap last year.

Now have 4 pockets in the front of my diary. Two are flaps/tip-ins and the other is flat on a page so it makes 2 further pockets.

Also I have done my swap card on the theme of "Ribbons" for the UKPC swap this month. I have mounted the ATCs I received from last months Exchange too.

Yes I had a bit of a crafty day yesterday....what fun.

Friday, 17 January 2014

52 Weeks - Week #02

Just getting to grips with all my challenges for this year and have decided to try and incorporate as many as I can in my Journal for this year. It has 64 pages, so 63 double spreads, so happily one double spread a week for the 52 weeks, with 11 spare to play with.

Yearly Challenges are:- 52 Weeks of Psalms; Journal 52; The Craft Barn

I am loving the free printout cards from the Psalms challenge and have made a pocket and tag template out of acetate so I can make one easily each week, to put the concertina cards into.

The word prompt from Psalm 3 which I have based my page on is Peace.

I have stuck the shield from the printout on the back of my tag

The Journal 52 prompt is, "Somewhere, A Simple Place". Well my place is my garden where I can watch the birds and listen to their song.

My Craft Barn word is "Smile" and you can't but smile when you see and hear the birds. The quote is from Mother Teresa.

Q&L Challenge #01

Well The Craft Barn has got us off to a good start with their new challenge this year. They are giving us a couple of words each fortnight to make a piece using the words in either a Quote or Lyrics from a song.

The words this fortnight are "Up" and "Smile".

I couldn't resist the Lyrics for, "Up, up and Away" (in my beautiful balloon) which was first recorded by The 5th Dimension in 1967.

For Smile I have used a quote by Mother Teresa.

 I did my background following Neil's instructions on the Craft Barn Blog.

I am incorporating my pieces into my journal for 2014.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

WOYWW #241 - What A Pretty Parcel

Oh look what landed on my desk this week, such a pretty parcel! I wonder what it can be?

Here's what's under the parcel, a host of projects on the go:-

1) my 2014 diary containing my documented life challenge pieces.

2) an art journal round robin book where I really ought to get my entry done soon!

3) the beginnings of my 52 weeks journal where I will do the psalms challenge alongside the journal 52 challenge, both weekly.

4) the penultimate month in my 12 months in view journal of the seasons, plus my January zine entry.

5) a little mini book made using the Tim Holtz Valentine mini book method. I did this with the first craft club round at my house - what fun we had.

6) A get well soon card for one guy who couldn't make the craft club as he is poorly.

7) A badge from Gilwell Park Scout Camp which I need to sew on my son's scout blanket as he was away last weekend for the Winter Camp - gosh it was cold.

So exactly what was in the parcel?

Well a friend, Anne, had reorganised her storage so she had some 12x12 boxes going spare so I bought 4 from her. Thanks Anne, the parcel really made me smile inside and out! Can't believe I have filled all 4 already!

Thanks to Julia for this weekly blog hop.
Join in WOYWW to see loads of craft spaces round the world.