About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

WOYWW #206 - Décopatch and more...

Oh to my desk this week for WOYWW - lots of little projects too see.

I took prompt delivery of my new décopatch items and papers from DécopatchMe. The Pensive Cat and a little Chest of Drawers. Can't wait to get going on them.

Also I drilled a hole in a wooden spoon which I'm going to décopatch too. Woman at work in workshop, mind your fingers!

So - yes, I have gone décopatch MAD since Craft club last week where I first did my initials "BJ" and since then a little box.

At another craft club we did rosettes and I made 6 cards and an ATC from them. Earlier in the week I made a CD cover mini-book. Lastly my Craft Barn Alpha Challenge piece. Try finding a special day beginning with "K" - not easy!

So pop along to Julia's place to join the WOYWW fun this week, and visit desks all over the world.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You must have posted early. I saw this pop up on my sidebar. I finally sat down to my computer for more than two minutes, and had a chance to look back at a few of the things you've been making lately. Sorry I haven't been around.

Kissing Friday works for ME. And those lips are delightful. I really like that color combination, too.

No number yet, so I'll just say hi and be on my way (grin).

Nikki said...

Happy Wed you've been busy and the kissing poem so cute ... time to go out more on Friday's it seems lol hugs Nikki

Nikki said...

#3 opps

The Taming of the Glue said...

Wow...you have been really busy! I love the box and the mini chest of drawers will look fab when it's finished. Happy WOYWW. Pam#14

Neil said...

Sorry!!!!! What I hate is that you cannot undo your link. I was aiming to delete the link and add todays link, next thing I know it's darn well gone and posted it and you can't undo it. So, I'm actually really number 7 and you are number one!!!!!!! Hope you have a good day anyway,


G'day BJ love all the things on your desk this week. I can't wait to see how puss turns out. Gotta love a gal who knows how too and uses a drill!! I hae three on my desk this week myself LOL. Great cards you have made there too.
Annette In Oz #12

Create With Joy said...

I love your creations - especially your initials! That club sounds like fun!

Happy WOYWW from #13

Create With Joy

Jackie said...

You have had a busy week again
Lots if deco patching going on !!!! Have fun
Jackie 6

Nan G said...

Congrats on No 1 spot! per Neil :) love your hand drill! Great dictionary page! I best get to work on mine. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #18 or maybe 17 if we all move move up one

HeARTworks said...

I have never heard of Decopatch! But your projects are great! Is it like decoupage? Patsy from

Belinda Basson said...

Decopatch, I like that term. How about Kids Day? as a title for a special day...just a thought...#23

peggy aplSEEDS said...

wow, lots of great projects finished! love the initials! and congrats for making it to the top of the correct link list, ;-)

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW and congrats on being No.1 on the correct link list! So much wonderfulness on your desk. I love the decopatch. Ali x #28

Unknown said...

Wow BJ you have been busy!! Love all your projects, especially your cards and the initials!! Beautiful work. Happy WOYWW.
Janene #19

Elizabeth said...

Hi BJ, the real #1 this week due to Neil's blip ... couldn't sleep, huh! Your desk is super colourful this week and I love the projects you've been working on. Saw C&Cs programme on decopatch and think I'm going to have a go at that some time. I'm well impressed at 'woman in the workshop' - what with you and Julia both turning to wood, I think there's a seismic shift ahead :)) Have a great day. Elizabeth x #37

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love your first picture today..all the colours look so bright and cheerful! The purples are gorgeous...I'm on a real purple patch at the moment..have bought some new tops, all of which feature purple in there somewhere!
The deco patch looks fun..is it quite quick to build up the layers?
Hugs, LLJ 29 xxx

Darnell said...

Oh, my word, BJ, I feel like a sloth after reading all that you've accomplished this week! Wow! Love it all and BTW, "kissing" is a super "K" word!! Have a wonderful week! Darnell #37

Julia Dunnit said...

I'm loving your latest addiction..there's only one shop round here that sels a selection of the papers and I'm always put off by her choice..and the price. Your initials look fab, and my word, it's turned you into a prolific crafter! And you get No 1 slot after all because Neil's link was incorrect and he asked me to remove it! Good luck at the dentist - it will be fine. Don't forget to breathe!

Helen said...

You really are addicted aren't you... hope the dentist is ok (I share your fears) if you want to pop round you are more than welcome... excuse the mess!

Annie said...

Wow!! BJ your desk is amazing with lots of gorgeous goodies. Your projects are amazing.
Have a wonderful WOYWW. ( already a follower )

Annie x

Jules said...

Wow! you have been working on some great projects BJ. How bright is that Kissing Friday canvas. Love it! Jules No 55

Roudi said...

Been to the dentist, too. I know how it feels!
Love your creations this week, but I especially like how you decorated your initials. Great job on making it to the #1 spot!

Have a lovely day. xx
Roudi #60

roffeycreations said...

Ahh so thats what decopatch looks like - love your initials BJ - happy WOYWW ... Mxx #65

Julie Lee said...

These projects are all totally gorgeous! I am longing to see what you do with the cat! What a wonderful, creative time you've been having and how did you manage to post so early on top of that?!xx#58 Julie Ann

Sandy said...

Wow you have been really busy.. The rossette cards look lovely and such a sweet cat..
Sandy :) #73

Minxy said...

WOW, you sure know how to keep yourself busy.. glad your learning and enjoying your craft club, Your lucky to have one, it's like a ghost town when it comes to crafty peeps in my area lol
Hugz Minxy #19

ria gall said...

It is so easy to get hooked on decopatch isn't it and you have done some amazing things with it. Love your letters and box so I am looking forward to seeing the cat and the spoon.
I hope you have a great day today and enjoy WOYWW.
Ria #22

sandra de said...

Congrats on no. 1 and you have been busy. Would love to see hoy the kitty turns out and I love the little box. We must be thinking the same things this week.

Tertia said...

My goodness, you have been very busy crafting and it all looks fantastic! I am so jealous right now.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #9

The House of Bears said...

Decopatch looks like fun, looking forward to seeing the little chest of drawers decorated.

Waving hi from the bears @#97 this week.

Unknown said...

Wow...you've been one busy lady. Love all those cards, and your BJ letters. Happy crafting #5

glitterandglue said...

Love the cards. The little box is delightful. Well done.
Have a great week.
Margaret #64

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hey BJ did you have trouble sleeping? - congrats on your #1! Great deco patch projects and well done on finding a special K day - love your page! Have a great week MMx #114

Anne said...

Lovely makes BJ x

DebC55 said...

What a great work desk and love the variety in your projects! Thanks for sharing today!
Debbie #111

Lisa Richards said...

Beautiful stuff going on on your desk! Have a great WOYWW!
Lisa #131

Gibby Frogett said...

Hi BJ.. haven't managed to do a WOYWW for a couple of weeks but so glad I didn't miss seeing this post WOW! so many fabulous projects - love them - especially your box.
Happy WOYWW Gill x #117

Heathers Inspiration said...

Hi BJ, Your decopatching is looking fab and I did smile when you wrote about the drill as I had been at the dentist this morning x You have such a wonderful array of Beautiful things to see, love them all, but especially your letters x
Have a Beautiful week Heather # 135

Krisha said...

WOW, what a busy girl you have been. Your work is outstanding!
Krisha #113

Queen Lightwell said...

WOW have you been productive or what! :) The creative juices must be gushing like a flood over there, send some my way, would ya? ;) Thanks for sharing the pics of all your completed projects, they are inspirational! Deeyll #72

Erica said...

Awesome projects!

Dorothy said...

I love your desk and that you're doing more traditional decoupage (paper toille)as that''s my new big thing as well. Going to have a peek at your group too!

Bridget Larsen said...

You have been busy but they are wonderful stuff you have made
Bridget #38