Yes I'm doing a little 6x6 album for a friend of her daughter's first year. Can't show you the actual pages as I don't put other people's photos on my blog especially kiddies, unless they don't mind of course.
Anyway here is my desk before I tidied for the evening. Got all the big pink tools out as you can see. Sorry I'm so late, check out Julia's place for all the other desks.
Hehe You might be late but you beat me! LOL I almost didn't play, I was coming in so late.
Bring on the pink and let's get creative! Kelly #131
Until I saw your comment on my desk (well...) it hadn't sunk in that you hadn't posted yours yet... I'll find room for you somewhere never fear!! Love your desk with all your pink tools.... have a good Thursday lol! Helen 8
how lovely to be doing that little album I bet you are loving it with all the cute photo's
Enjoy WOYWW and have a really great week
Hugs Ria #85
A bit of a pink theme going on there, I see. And the Anitas glue- upside down. I always have the same problem with mine- can't get the blasted stuff out. You are so right about childrens pictures, its a sad reflection of the age we live in, isn't it? My Sister in Law has often posted pics of her daughter in the sea/ having a bath & so on on FB- which really shocks me, especially as she is a Paediatric nurse, I'd have expected her to be more savvy! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #50xx
Lots of interesting pink die cuts on the desk. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #1
You've got one pink desk going on there getting ready for October perhaps hugs Nikki 22
Gotta love those big (and not so big) pink tools. And I agree about not showing photos of others unless they don't mind. Glad that you are still geocaching because it's a fun way to soak up some sun AND have quality family time. Happy slightly belated WOYWW from #10.
better late than never.
It is quite nice to come back to Julia's place and find new posts to look at even on a Friday, and you have some really nice things going on on your desk, so I don't mind if you are late.
Hi BJ - your upside down glue bottle had me stumped - had to put my specs on to see it had a lid balancing it LOL - Thanks for popping by earlier - I am playing catch up - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #138
Oct =breast cancer awareness month :) hope that helps hugs Nikki
Lovely Pink Desk .... love it.
Bishopsmate #72
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