I wanted to do a Chinese New Year page in my 12 months journal and realised a tag in the pocket I made last time would be the perfect as it spanned January and February which the Chinese New Year tends to do.
(My Basking Shark Eats New Year!!)
Other accomplishments this week have been:-
1) Finishing the Blue & Green felt house from last week's post.
3) Craft Club (swan card on desk)
5) Blue and Green cards for twin boys 12th birthday's.
6) Oh and my garden for February.
Happy WOYWW everyone.
I'm in love with that rocking horse stamp. Actually, some have cited this is the year of the GREEN wooden horse. That's where I got the idea for using the rocking horse. The back side of my tip-in is mostly green with another drawing of the rocker. Not as nice as your stamp, though.
I got a kick out of the basking shark eating the Chinese New Year. Really clever, and a great way to save space in your journal, too.
I still can't get over your lush green lawn. It is beautiful, even after all the rain, or maybe because of it. I really wish you would keep those photos coming of your back garden. I love how it changes, sometimes subtly, sometimes drastically, over the course of the months.
What beautiful birthday cards! I have to say you are way more energetic than I am! :) You have accomplished so much! You deserve to sit back and rest a little! :) #27
I recognise your Chinese New Year image, BJ, was looking at that for a few days last week myself...wonder where, lol!! Love the pages you've created with it.
Ohhh your poor garden, this weather is bloomin awful isn't it. I hope you get some calm weather to put it back in order!
Hugs Lisax #54
Fab pictures BJ. Gorgeous cards, and love the shot of the garden. Would not even venture out into ours at the moment, we've had so much rain its like walking in a swamp! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #42 xx
You were missed last night at craft club and not only because only 6 of us turned up! Looks like you've had a very busy week - no wonder you were tired! Hope to see you next month - we're doing something baby related to give Rachel who should have had her baby by then... I am sure Toni will email before though. Thanks for both comments! Helen, 7
Lol at it again my lovely!! That is some serious amount of crafting! Thank-you sooooooo much for my lovely card, it will be treasured for sure. I tried leaving a message last night but my internet crashed sadly, sorry.
Huge hugs x x x
Love all the activity I see this week. So much to take in. I know about the sore muscles. I've been busy shoveling snow. Peg R 24
Good grief, you're hyper active! Lots of lovely stuff to see today - love that you've made a page for Chinese New Year..it sort of passed me by. Love the felt house, and all in your dominant colours gal!
Gorgeous pic of the garden and after all your activity I think you might just need to sit and rest. Love that you have captured the New Year Chinese style.
Sandra @59
You make me feel exhausted looking at all the things you have achieved this week. Well done, and you deserve a rest after all that. I love the Year of the Horse. Have a good week. xx Maggie #3
Hi BJ, goodness you have been busy and not just in your craft room either. I'm impressed that you've made it out in to the garden - ours is a bit of a quagmire at the moment so I'm keeping out of it for now.
Really love that background on your psalm 8 journal page, and your little felt house is so cute.
Thanks for your visit. Have a great week. MMx #40
So much gorgeousness on display! I particularly love the Psalm 8 page. Thanks for sharing. Happy Belated WOYWW. Caro x (#57)
Lovely work BJ I don't know how you manage it all. I was suggesting to DH that I needed a 'lady' to do some housework so that I can get on with my crafting :-) Sorry I seemed to have missed your post on Wednesday. Anne x
some great makes no wonder you need a rest ( im in the gym blogging ) so know uow you feel
janet #8
Oh my word, BJ - rock'n'roll class plus badminton plus gardening!! I would be on my knees! But then, I'm getting older...
You have been busy in the craft room, too. Never a dull moment in your home.
Thanks for the visit. I'm really late getting round to folk this week - too much shopping at the show!
Have a great week.
Margaret #17
Blimey, BJ, you sure make full use of your crafting time! Love the tagsm Chinese New Year stuff and the little house....soo cute!!
Hugs, LLJ xx
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