About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, DĂ©copatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

WOYWW #184 - Goodies

Hi there all you WOYWWers, how are Christmas preparations going? I have managed to post all the cards and parcels which needed posting but not done much crafting as a result. I have my son off school poorly too which doesn't leave me in a crafting mood either.

What I have done is lay out my photos of the Torch Relay back in July. I have made a card for my Uncle's 90th and my son's 14th which are both on 21st December!

As for the goodies, I have received my Christmas SWAP card from Sandee in the USA, took a while to get here! She just had to adorn her tree with WOYWW, how cool is that? I have got my SWAP from Elizabeth way up in Scotland and a little bag of crafty goodness too. And my Journal awaits the tags from this second week of Advent.

Not all that Christmassy I know but there you go.
Oh and please leave your number so I can get back to you.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I take a few days away from my computer, and you not only start Advent, you also finish your AB cover, work on tags, nurse a sick son, and create all kinds of cards. I can't keep up!!

Way to go with the advent calendar. I'm off to see if I've missed anything on your AB cover, too.

Helen said...

You seem to have managed a lot, even if you say you're not crafting... not made it to the charity shop yet, somehow doubt it will happen any time soon!!! Hope your son is better soon. Helen, 4

Eliza said...

Good for you, so much completed you must feel good. Love the layout on the desk.

Eliza 12

Ann B said...

Wow, you are busy. Nice to see a reminder of the torch relay -seems a long time ago now. You got some lovely stuff through the post -how did I miss that swap.
Ann B

Roudi said...

Looks like you're having a lot of fun here. Wish I'd participated in the WOYWW card swap. Oh well, maybe next year?
Happy birthday for your uncle and son!
Happy WOYWW as well! xx

Roudi #61

Redanne said...

I must have missed the card swap too when I was MIA for a few weeks. You may not be in crafty mode but you certainly have achieved an enormous amount, sorryto hear your son is poorly, hope he gets well soon. Our GD is off school ill too, there is such a lot going round at the moment. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #21

SandeeNC said...

You're not kidding anyone, you are a busy lady and have been very productive! It took me a momment to relalize my card was on your desk, I was so busy trying to peek at the pictures! lol Hope your soon feels better soon! waving the #92 from the hills of North Carolina :)

505whimsygirl said...

Hi BJ,

That's great that you're still doing layouts during this busy time of year. The only craft I've done is knit on the baby blanket.... hence not joining in this week.

Wanted to stop by and say hello, though, and see what you've been up to.


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hope your lad is up and better very soon! There's so much going around isn't there??
And I liked saying Bollards too :)
Hugs, LLJ #27 xx

jill said...

Hope your son feels better soon, & you get back to crafting .Happy woyww Jill #30

Andrea said...

my you have been very busy, hope your son is better soon and you get some time for yourself thanks for visiting and your kind comments have a fab week Andrea x #28

Ali H said...

That all sounds pretty busy to me !! Hope your boy is feeling better soon ! Have a good week Ali #109

Nadia (WithGlitteringEyes.blogspot.com) said...

Lovely photos! You look so orderly-- I am so impressed!

Happy Wednesday,
Nadia (WOYWW #58)

Lucy said...

What a lovely idea for a picture set-up, with a great theme too. Sorry your son is poorly, I hope he feel better soon and is able to join in with his birthday and hristmas festivities. Thanks for sharing! Lucy #16 x

Tertia said...

Sounds like you have been very busy for somebody with no time to craft. Well done on accomplishing so much!
Happy very belated WOYWW!
Tertia #11

Kezzy said...

You certainly seem to have done a lot you really have been busy. Love the crimbo cards on your desk and the pictures look lovely. Happy Woyww :-) hugs Kerry xx