Made a 102 print order for more photos yesterday too.
I am certainly on a scraptastic roll.
The last 3 pages are on my desk, the guys doing our new fence and the before/after pages of the fence, also to the right.
There is the page from last week finished plus the first two of my new album.
But I guess the main focus of the week has been away from my desk as we as a family (me, hubby and son) have taken up the geocaching challenge of 31 in 31. If you have no idea what I mean you best have a look at the geocaching site it is a global real life treasure hunt. Takes you to places you would never otherwise go and gets you out of the house for sure.

Oh and why am I telling you all this today of all days? Well it is Wednesday where all crafters around the world unite in the mega blog hop hosted by Julia over at the Stamping Ground, so pop on over and join the fun.
Wow that's prolific scrapping, and all lovely too.
The bears @#93
Another Geocacher?! I thought of doing the 31 challenge but as we were away and didn't have time to plan we left it. Where's your cache? Do send me the link to it please or send me the name so I can find it. (We're the jollywalkers by the way)
Not showing anyone my desk today as it's piled high with everything to be unpacked.
Hi BJ, you certainly are the most prolific scrapper I know ... couldn't even begin to keep up with you :) Your pages are all lovely too. The one of you and your son making faces is fab. I've seen mention of geocaching - I like the idea of it taking you places you wouldn't otherwise think to go to. Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #61
Love your scrapping, especially the last one.
I've never heard of the 31 challenge, I might have to look in to that!
Happy WOYWW. Susi #105
Wow you have been busy BJ great pages. Great view of your desk as well. Can see your reflection in the shot of the shoe :-) Anne x #77
Hi BJ - I'm impressed with your amazing scrapping prowess - great pages too! Hope you enjoy the geocaching - I've always wanted to give it a go - but I can't get my lot to buy in to it. Oh well... Thanks for your visit today (did you notice I've posted a faux batik tutorial here Thanks for your visit - have a great week. MMx #83
Wow you are a power machine getting all that scrapping done, wish I could get through mine that fast. Clever boy launching the ball in the shoe, now to get him to wear them LOL
Eliza & Yoda 14
Great scrapbook pages there, all great records to look back on.
Blog friend of mine is into geocacher so I did learn a bit.
well done on the school shoes.
Lynda #89
Love all your pictures- great to have real quality family time. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #45 xx
Love your layouts. You are really getting a lot a scrapping done. happy crafting #2
ok I love your sheets.. can I ask do you put your in a book or what? The reason Im asking is cause I love all this and did a few and put them in the plastic sleave and in the book, but the weight wants to crush the fluffy stuff or do you only do flat things. I thought of that too. But there is just to much good stuff out there. Thanks for sharing and Bright blessings to you and yours. Roberta #55
Have fun with the geocaching! Love all your layouts, what a busy girl you've been....
I'm not quite stamped into the room yet (but getting there!!) still just about room for me... Helen 21
Awe BJ what a busy bee you have been. I love your layouts and WOW, 10th album!!!! The challenge sounds like great fun too, what a fab thing to do together as a family, enjoy sweetie.
Huge hugs x x x x
Ha ha, I saw your reflection taking the picture! What a lovely post. Geocaching sounds terrific! I love your scrapping, some super pages. Have a lovely WOYWW. Julie Ann xx #39
That double spread confused me. I was reading each page from top to bottom. I couldn't figure out why the new fence and the old fence looked so similar. Yep, call me the silly American who reads each page, rather than ACROSS both pages!!
BTW, I HAVE been geocaching before with a friend who really enjoyed it. I agree it gets you out of the house and on the trail to places far and wide.
Thanks for visiting me already. #1
Fabulous layouts - and the ball in the shoe is funny - reminds me of all those ping pong clips on youtube - how do they do it???
Have a great week - Happy WOYWW Mxx #70
Thanks so much for getting back to me... I really do love your sheets. I wish I could come up with stuff like that on my own.. seems I do a lot of stairing and getting no where. lol And I guess Im afraid to waste stuff.
Roberta 55
Sounds like you have had a wonderful week, BJ. Geocahing is something we have never done ourselves, but we have friends who love it and have set a whole trail here in North Wales. Congrats on all the pages - you are one busy lady! Are you entering the old fence in the photo scavenger hunt - it's brilliant.
Have a great week.
Margaret #69
Hi BJ, you have been busy and the latest Lo's are looking good indeed! Lots of peeps seem to be into this geocashing at the moment, I think its a great idea and entire families all seem to have fun out in the fresh air. Annette #9
A lovely lot of scrapping! the LOs. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #4
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