About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

WOYWW #222 - Timmy Goodness

So what exactly is on my desk this week for the weekly WOYWW mega desk hop hosted by Julia?

My Timmy Tag Book from the workshop last Thursday up in Coventry, what a brilliant day which you can see more HERE. The finished tag book in detail is HERE.

The rest of the stuff on my desk are the bits left over from the tag book.

My only 3 distress markers from the workshop and the stencil and stamp set I got there too. I caved in and have ordered a couple more distress pens - oops! Oh and the cargo stencil dies too, they look great cut in tags don't they?

There is my September Journal page pending further decoration and a freebie stamp set which might just do the trick nicely. Also the little journal in the round robin journal swap I am doing.

Anyway, I'm feeling a little delicate as I had a minor operation on Monday so I will leave you with the flowers my Mum sent to wish me well again soon.


Nan G said...

Wow is the linkup already? Love your Tim book! I'm so envious of those who got to go to his workshop! Have a super day. Happy WOYWW! Nan G (no # yet)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love those flowers and was hoping your surgery went well. Seems it hasn't dampened your spirits or shopping (grin).

Happy WOYWW. No number yet, so hopefully I'll be around when Julia posts the links.

Unknown said...

Get well soon. I like your tag book. Happy crafting #1

sara j said...

So hope you are starting to feel better. No fun I'm sure but beautiful flowers. I so enjoyed seeing the pic
tures from Tim's workshop. What fun that must be!! You did a great job!!
Sara j#31

Jackie said...

Just read your tim post looks like you got loads of lovely crafting goodies and had a fab time

Julie Lee said...

Hi BJ! I do hope you soon feel back to full health after the op. I am coming back to view your tag book etc in more detail, but I just wanted to stop by to wish you well! I have been having trouble sleeping so I'm back to bed for a little while then a little more visiting later. Have a lovely WOYWW! The flowers are gorgeous, btw! Julie Ann x #34

Helen said...

Wish I could have been at the Tim workshop. Take care - the flowers are gorgeous! I woke in the middle of the night (as always!) and always leave the pc on for WOYWW days, so linked up - after deleting a million Trojan viruses my anti virus programme found... grr!! so was awake between 3 and 4... am tired now I have to get up for work, lol!!

kay said...

Hi BJ, buying a few distress markers is the start of a slippery slope as you will need them all :-)
Have joined in WOYWW today also and pleased you on the mend
Kay #43

Unknown said...

Love love love your tag book BJ!! I hope that you are feeling better soon. The flowers that your Mum gave you are beautiful and it is always nice to have Mum around when you are not well no matter what your age is lol! Take care and I am jealous that you got to play with Tim and Dyan :-). Happy WOYWW.
Janene #36

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh am sorry you're feeling delicate - don't they always underplay the after effects of day surgery. Feel better soon - am sure the lovely flowers have helped.
You obv had a fab day at the TH workshop - the tag book is really sublime huh! I don't store the inkpads upside down specifically - the ones on my desk are like that for the convenience..I HATE the loose lid style of them!

glitterandglue said...

A lovely busy desk, BJ. I trust this means you are beginning to "come round" after your op. Take care, and have a great week. Ah - what gorgeous flowers from your mum - a lovely gift - makes a girl feel really special to get flowers.
Margaret #52

Heathers Inspiration said...

Hi BJ, sending healing wishes and hoping you are okay :) Your flowers are really Beautiful and your tag book is Incredible. Must have been an amazing day x
Have a Beautiful week Heather #63

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi BJ - firstly - hope you feel better soon and have a speedy recovery. Secondly - GORGEOUSNESS on your desk you lucky girl. Wonderful goodies from the Tim Thing.

How's your Z page coming? Have a good week. MMx #45

Karen said...

Hi my lovely. I hope you are feeling a little less delicate today and isn't your Mum a gem? xxx

Unknown said...

Hi BJ - I am having fun reliving the time we spent at the workshop!! I love your finished book. I really wish we had all worn badges with our blog names on! There are so many people I missed saying hi to in the real world. I met Annie, Rita, Alison and Emma on the day. I am sorry we didn't get to say hi. Hope you feel better soon. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 70

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. 93

Unknown said...

wow...I love the book. The flowers you got are oh so pretty. Thanks for letting me look at everything. Roberta 19

ike said...

Ooooooh !!! Gorgeous book - I LUV it :-)
Very pretty flowers too.... I hope you are recovering well x


IKE in Greece #67 xxxxx

Anne said...

The book is amazing BJ. Beautiful flowers. Happy WOYWW Anne x #54

Nikki said...

Your book is wonderful and full of Timmie Goodness and such lovely flowers your mum sent
feel better soon hugs Nikki 4

Gráinne said...

Ohoh, this TAG book looks beyond gorgeous! Would love to see it irl. Great desk :-) Late happy WOYWW, Suzanne

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Such pretty flowers! I hope you are on the mend soon. Thanks for sharing all things Tim with us. I hear you either LOVE or you HATE those markers. Personally, I'm not even touching them. Nope, nope. That Tim is evil.

glitterandglue said...

Praying for you, BJ, and trusting you will know the peace of God as you spend time recovering. Went through several lady issues years ago - horrid time!
Take care - and get the rest you need.
Margaret #50

Cazzy said...

OOOOOO I love your tag book! I hope one day I can make something like that.
I hope you have a smooth and easy recovery from your op.

Cazzy x #66

pearshapedcrafting said...

It was a wonderful day wasn't it! Love what you have done with your tag book - still got to print off photos!!
Hope you are on the way to recovery, Chris105

sandra de said...

Lucky,lucky you to have a TH workshop. The tag book looks fab. Hope your recover quickly.

The House of Bears said...

What lovely flowers, we hope you're feeling much better soon. Sorry for the late visit this week

Christine said...

Hope you're feeling waaay better by now!
Gorgeous flowers from a lovely Mam.

Bishopsmate #48

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wow, you went to the Timmy day too! Looks like you had a good time :-). Glad you're feeling better after your op too, even when it's minor, it still takes some getting over.
And feel free to spread the bunting love!!
LLJ xxx