About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Thursday 26 July 2012

WOYWW #164 - Internet Problems!

Just a quickie between outages on the INTERNET. Had no connection at all yesterday. Anyway, here's my desk last week sometime after I had received a wonderful cyber hug from Dawn I was totally bowled over by all the lovely things she sent me, not least the little handmade book and of course the tag of Sunshine which seems to have done the trick as it has been sunny ever since. Thank You Dawn.


Redanne said...

Hi BJ - wow, that was a big cyber hug! How lovely of Dawn to send you such lovely goodies, hope you have fun playing and that the internet bucks it's ideas up - must be this heat......Crafty hugs, Anne x

Karen said...

oooooooo!!!!!! You got a little book...thats fabulous my lovely! What a lovely thoughtful girl she is! Methinks I need to go down to her house with a bag hahaha HUGS xxx

Elizabeth said...

Hi BJ, by the sound of things that cyberhug from Dawn could not have come at a better time for you. Hope your internet problem is sorted out for you soon. I look of those crafty goodies on your desk and the tag is fab. Belated happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #24

Julia S-W said...

Crumbs how lucky are you - we'd better all go down to Dawn's with a bag I think!! Hope it cheered you up and glad to see you online!!

Dawn said...

Awe, bless you honey. You are so so welcome my lovely and hope you enjoy lots.
Fingers crossed that your tinterweb sorts itself out soon, lol are Elizabeth's problems catching from over the pond!!
Big big hugs x x x x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Love the sunshine tag. I'm glad it is working. I love the bee and butterfly canvasses on either side of it. We had no internet at work for almost a full day once. They put most of the info we access to serve students (we're a college) on the website so we were pretty much useless. Crazy how dependent on technology we all are.

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

ooh busy desk! i spy twiddly bits too! jenx

SandeeNC said...

Sorry to hear about your internet problems, I know I go into withdrawal without it! But, wow, you got loads of goodies it seems, I am glad you are getting some sunshine too! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Shoshi said...

Oh wow BJ, just look at all those lovely goodies! What fabulous tags and ATCs. Sorry you've had internet problems. It makes you realise, doesn't it, how dependent on it we have all become. When I can't get online I feel totally cut off. Hope all is well now, though.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #51

Unknown said...

Great stuff here! #102