Firstly, Last week I took a couple of photos of our #18 Local Coffee Shop in the Village. It is held in the Church Institute building next to the church green.
Today, as I was lying in the garden I spotted CLOUDS so ran for my camera and waited and waited. I saw a heart and a dolphin and a bikini but by far the best (and the only one I got a picture of) was this #12 Scotty Dog Cloud. I asked my son if he could see anything in the picture and he spotted it too, so I hope that is tested enough and you can see it as well. My husband has just seen it and thought it was Snowy from Tin Tin - he was quite amazed at the likeness.
Then I thought I'd pop along to our local Lavender Fields as they have an #01 Open Air Market Stall there. Gosh they have come a long way since the little table and umbrella stall they had a few years back. Just had to buy one of their lavender coloured jute bags as I LOVE lavender and purple and the like.
Oh and finally, not for the scavenger hunt but for the 12 months in view challenge a chance sighting of a hedge of white Dog Roses or Wild Roses at the Lavender Fields. Had to snap them too.