Bit in the wars today as I had a Wisdom Tooth out yesterday - ouch. Took him 3 goes and 3 injections but eventually it came out - unfortunately they threw it away :(
I even missed my son's investiture at Explorers last night as I felt so horrid, have more badges to sew on now though.

Anyway here's my desk with the fallout from Monday's Craft Club where we did Christmas Quilling. I didn't manage to get round to sticking any on cards but did lay them out.
I also dug out my own quilling stash now I am in the mood - so to speak.

Sad news is that this club is finishing with next month's session which is a big shame as I really enjoyed it and it is close to me and in the daytime. Oh well it was good whilst it lasted.

Also on my you'll spot my
Timmy Tag for the month, wasn't taken by the technique this month but the finished tag is growing on me.
There's my November zine for
12 months in view, along with the pocket and tag. Love the poppies.

Over on my dressing table is my knitting basket now with SIX sheep, also my
Alpha Challenge page for "Q" and Quarter Days. You'll spot last years Attitude of Gratitude journal above too.
Think that is me for this week, pop over to
Julia's for more WOYWW desk hopping.

Hi there. Just popping my head round the door to say hi. It's always a pity when something you have enjoyed finishes. You have been busy with lots of different projects!
Thanks for the peek into your creative world today.
Hope you have a good week too.
My goodness you've been busy with projects. Sorry to hear about the dental experience, never a nice thing to go to.
The bears @#74
Just wish my quilling star looked as good as yours. Maybe it will look better with some glitter on !!!
Gorgeous, stunning stuff on your desk BJ. Love all the colour and texture you have going. Mind you, I'd visit just to see the sheep, lol!They are adorable. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #21 xx
Wisdom tooth removal is awful I still remember having mine out and I was 21 at the time was ill for days!!!! So I hope you feel better soon
Love the Tim tag
Jackie 15
Goodness me you have been busy since I last popped by my lovely! Loving all your makes but I truly ADORE your sheep :-D
Sorry that you had to have your wisdom tooth out and I hope that it heals quickly for you. Love xxxx
ive been working on Christmas also! FUN!
The Craft Donkey
Oh! You poor love! the Dentist at any time is not good but wisdom teeth .....
When you're recovered go treat yourself, even if it's just another ball of wool, you deserve something good to look forward to....
Bishopsmate #99
Urrggh! Wisdom tooth extractions - horrid! You have my sympathies on this one, it really does leave one feeling poorly. Your quilling looks so beautiful. I have seen this technique, but have no idea how it is done! Take care of yourself. Hope you soon feel much, much better. Julie Ann xx #33
Ugg I hate the dentist may you heal up quickly :)
beautiful quilled tree you made
hugs Nikki 23
Heavens, you've been busy - love the Tim tag, and the November zine. Sorry you had a hard time with the tooth, better out than in though! Enjoy the rest of the week. Helen 17
Happy WOYWW. What a wonderful selection of crafty projects. I have a dental phobia and also local anaesthetic does not work anymore, so I have a general anaesthetic for anything more than a clean or check up. Very expensive! Ali x #73
Great projects this week - love the November page & was able to zoom in for the poem - its great ! Love the tag - that chalk board style is really in this Christmas & I love it ! But the poppies are just GORGEOUS ! Is that a stamp - they are stunning ! Ali #36
Ouch hope you are feeling much better. Teeth can be so painful. You have some lovely eye candy here. Sorry I am so late. Peg R XX #102
Lovely busy desk, BJ. Like the quilling light bulbs!! Great fun. Trust you are feeling better now - a few days after having the tooth out - ouch, indeed!! Sad to miss out on the investiture, though! - it only happens the once - hope someone was able to go in your place and tell you all about it.
Margaret #42
Such a wonderful array of projects BJ. I hope you are feeling a bit better after having your tooth pulled. They can be such a pain for some and others have no issues with them. I've never had the patience for quilling but have to say your tree is fabulous. I hope you can find another crafting group, the crafting and conversation is wonderful therapy isn't it?. Have a great week! Danie #31
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