About Me

My photo
Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

WOYWW #200 - New Craft Group

My desk Tuesday evening before I went along to a new craft group. Blank coasters for the mosaic we'd be doing and a scrap page to stick down in between times.

Also my long awaited prize from my Timmy Tag win back in January. Adore the little locket album.

There's also my April page for the 12 Months in View Challenge and the remains of paint which I have sploshed on my April page in my zine. I even made the raindrop stamp!

To the back is my Good Friday page in my Round Robin Journal. Oh and my Easter Matchbox. The tag seems to be one I keep adding to, it was around last week too. Oh and if you really want to see my garden this month, have a look HERE.

Anyway here's my mosaic with real glass tiles, something I had never done before. My hubby has already fashioned me with some grout to finish it off tomorrow when it is dry.

Here's the page I stuck down too. When our son was presented with his Scout Gold Award by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant back in November 2012.

Had a nice time at the group and finally met up with Helen - hurrah!

Aarrhh forgot to mention where to get your WOYWW fix and more information as to what it is all about. Check out Julia's pad.


505whimsygirl said...

Hi BJ,
I love getting a jump on visiting desks on Tuesday nights!

Yours looks busy - and how fun to have a new crafting group to hang out with. I noticed the goodies on your desk from TH - congratulations!!

Peace, Kay (no # yet)

Toni said...

Hi BJ, good to meet you last night. Love your scrapbook layouts.

See you snext time.

Worcester Park Crafters

Heathers Inspiration said...

The glass tile mosaic looks fab, love all the different projects you have on the go and your prizes are beautiful, bet you can't wait to play with those x have a Lovely week.
Happy WOYWW Heather #71

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi BJ gorgeous projects on your desk again! Well done you on your Tim Tags win - lovely goodies! Have a great week MMx #73

House of Bears said...

What a lovely busy desk. Your LO is great, and such a wonderful memory to preserve. Also love your mosaic.

Waving hi from the bears @#69 this week.

Helen said...

it was great to meet you too - certainly didn't feel like the first time I had done so!! Glad you'll be coming again. Have a good week, and hope you get to badminton! Helen, 4

Eliza said...

I saw the tile mosiac on Helens desk earlier. It really is good finally meeting up with people you have known on the net for awhile.

You have a stunning garden and I love birdbaths.

Eliza 41

Anne said...

Really like look of tile modaic BJ. You certainly have lots going on. My craft group met for the last time last Sat. The owner could no longer keep her business going. :-( She might start the class up elsewhere - I've not decided what I will do yet. Anne x #50

ria gall said...

you have lots of very lovely pieces on your desk today it looks like as well as having fun you have been playing hard.

Enjoy your WOYWW sunny day today
Ria #65

Unknown said...

You have some very fun crafting items on your desk. I like that tag. Happy crafting #92

Jackie said...

That tag on your desk looks really lovely as does that journal
Jackie 8

Anonymous said...

Great space. Congratulations to your son! :) SueC#94

glitterandglue said...

Congratulations to your son - he's done well. Love the desk - what a great space.
Margaret (glitterandglue 78)

Barb King said...

Looks like lots of fun things happening here- you've been so productive! Love that tag in back with the butterflies! Great colors. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Barb

Elizabeth Dianne said...

Love your mosaic--be sure and show us your finished product--makes me want to try that--something I've never tried before--I didn't know there was anything left--smile!

So glad to meet you--thanks for dropping by my blog for a visit.

Unknown said...

Lovely layout, thank you for visiting my blog.
Karen #192

Saxo Stamper said...

Thank you so much for your comments about my quilt

Love your scrap book page and your post for WOYWW this week. You have some interesting things on your desk.


Alison Scott said...

Brilliant mosaic coaster. Great idea.
Love the scrapbbook page. You must have been so proud.
No WOYWW for me this week as still catching up.

Gibby Frogett said...

Hi BJ, what a great post - lots of lovely things to see on your desk. Love what you are doing with the mosaic and what a wonderful keepsake layout too...happy WOYWW Gill x #93

Queen Lightwell said...

Isn't making your own stamps just so fun? And I love all that's going on, on your desk this week, looks like you are very busy! :) Thanks for popping by my desk already and leaving me a comment. :) Deeyll

Raven's Rest Studio, Jennifer Conway said...

Wow - you've got lots of great projects going on! Thanks for the share - I had fun! cheers, ~Jen

Elizabeth said...

Hi BJ, love your scrap layout - the papers and embellishments are perfect for the occasion. I've checked out the completed mosaic and it is fab - not sure I'd have the patience for that though. Also had a look at your garden and I like your new addition - the birdbath. Have a wonderful weekend, Elizabeth x #95 (trailing on behind as usual)

Nan G said...

Oh love the tag and the doodled and paint book pages. Like the colors you've used in your mosaic. Since I'm late I get to see the amazingly tiny drum set! Still desk hopping am I. :) Happy WOYWW! Nan #19

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting me this week! SueC#94