About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

WOYWW #209 - Summer

I think I promised Summer last week on WOYWW and what lovely weather we have had the past few days here in the SE of the UK.

I have received 4 ATC swaps from last week's mega blog party. Japanese from Claire, Cupcake from Nikki (all the way from Canada), Butterflies from Lottie. and the Flower from Helen. Nikki included some Talking Tags which look like super fun.

I went to The Craft Barn's Extravaganza on Sunday afternoon and saw Karen from Tando and her sister Dawn and bought a few supplies too (couldn't help myself LOL). Karen gave me the rose napkin which is sure to come in useful for my 12 months pages this month.

I have been adding to my June calendar page on 12 Months in View, where the flower of the month is the Wild Rose. I carved another stamp for my calendar page and I've made a coronation tag of our Queen too.

I learnt how to do stencil bumping at craft club last week as well.

Quite a busy crafty week then.

Hope you all have a good week to come.

Happy WOYWW.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I saw the Queen's 60th anniversary of being on the throne on the news tonight. It was good to see you made the tag to honor her day.

I was a bit jealous to read you got to meet both Dawn and Karen. I watch their blogs, too. And you may remember, they were BOTH in my AB workshop, too.

Happy WOYWW. No number yet, cause Julia's still sleeping.

Ali H said...

Hi great stuff on your sunny desk this week - and a trip to the Craft Barn - very envious ! Have a great week ! Ali #25

The Taming of the Glue said...

How great to live near to the Craft Barn (and tempting too!) Always love getting new stash home...aah, the possibilities...!
Hugs. Pam#9

The Taming of the Glue said...

Thanks for visiting me. The link to the step by step is on the right sidebar...Sam Poole. Hope that helps! Pam#9

Helen said...

What a full post- and well done for getting the atc in so quick, seeing it was late when we got home after club! Love the Coronation tag!! Helen, 5

Anne said...

Hi BJ lovely ATC's you received there. Still have to post mine- everything went to pot last week when went to see mum in hospital. Never mind they are all ready to go now. Liked your tag and the stencil bumping. Anne x #53

Roudi said...

Next time you go to the Craft Barn, TAKE ME WITH YOU! lol

Love the tag and the ATCs you've received. There are so many to see scattered on everybody's desks!

Happy WOYWW. xx
It's my blogiversary and I've got candy to celebrate!


Redanne said...

Hi BJ, love your Coronation tag and the wonderful ATCs you got. That white Dylusions spray is my favourite, it covers a multitude of sins (in my case!). The seaside stencil looks amazing too, not seen that one. Hugs. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #52

glitterandglue said...

What a wonderfully crafty week. Well done!! - just the teensiest bit jealous....
Have another great week.
Margaret #30

Neil said...

Hi there
A desk full of lovely stuff today! It was a good weekend wasn't it. It was lovely to see you too. Hope you have a good week.
Neil #34

ria gall said...

you have received some great ATC's and I am loving the stuff that you have bought some fun coming from that little lot.
Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
Ria #40

Julie Lee said...

What lovely ATCs. I am going to do a gallery of mine next time. This is such a pretty post, full of gorgeous, spring colours! Thanks for that fine weather you promised, it's been great. Hope you have fun with the lovely Craft Barn goodies. xxx

Maisie Moonshine said...

Gorgeous projects again BJ! Love your June calendar page, and I see you've picked up the chicken wire stencil - will we be seeing lots of bee projects soon? Have a happy week MMx #68

RosA said...

Lovely collection of ATCs there! Have a good week,
RosA # 19

The House of Bears said...

Lovely ATCs. How lucky to be near enough to visit the Extravaganza too. We would have loved that.

Waving hi from the bears@#85 this week.

roffeycreations said...

Hi BJ - its lovely to see all the ATC's around everyone's desks... Happy WOYWW... Mxx #98

Dawn said...

Another fab WOYWW post sweetie, I love your stash pile and can't wait to see what you do with your napkin.
Lucky lady too, what beautiful ATC's you got in your swap.
I adore your hand carved stamps and you have inspired me to have a go as soon as I can find some decent sized rubbers to try with ha ha!!
Was a delight to meet you over the weekend too, very special.
Huge hugs x

Krisha said...

Love all the photos of your work and space. I don't think I have ever heard of stencil bumping.
Krisha #11

shazsilverwolf said...

Love all your ATc's & new crsft stash! You have certainly done some influence to the weather, its been beautiful. Keep it up, please, :). Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #33

SandeeNC said...

I keep forgetting to try stencil bumping. Love the shadow effect though so I need to give it a whirl. Lovely ATC's. waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥ #12

Nikki said...

Your desk looks wonderful with all the cards you've made and loving seeing all the ATC's everyone got too have fun with the tags
hugs Nikki 2

mamapez5 said...

It sounds as though you have had a busy week. I love your garden photos. That rhododendron is stunning.I wouldn't worry about the Welsh poppies. They are very hard to kill. I used to live on the Welsh border (before I moved to Spain) and my garden was full of them. I even transported some to my sister's garden down on the south coast and she still has them.
It has been fun to see eveyone's ATCs today. They are all special in their own way.
I didn't think I would like digital scrapbooking but I did a few on-line tutorials and now I love it. I think eventually I will end up making hybrids - digital with 'real' embellishments. Thanks for popping by my blog today. Kate x #33

dottielottie said...

Hi BJ,there is lots to see on your desk this week. Glad you had a good day at the Craft Barn (very envious) look forward to see what you do with the new goodies. Your coronation tag is lovely it has a very regal look.
Happy art making
Hugs Lottie #45

dottielottie said...

Oops, forgot to say thank you for paying me a visit x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You've got some lovely summery pieces on your desk too! Love the ATCs and your work too ;-)
Hugs, LLJ 35 xxxx

Unknown said...

What lovely ATCs you've received during your busy week.

Unknown said...

I love the little birdie designs on your desk!
Karen #38

Nan G said...

Busy week for you. Love the new stash! Cool tag to honor the Queen. Great ATCs! It's that puzzle one creative. Your calendar pages are gorgeous! A bit late hopping... Happy WOYWW! Nan G #103

voodoo vixen said...

Lovely crafty bits on your desk today and that tag of the queen is brilliant along with your calendar pages. Annette #8

Queen Lightwell said...

Ooh, your desk has some gorgeous bits on it! Are the birds a stamp? I love them! Thanks for stopping by earlier and leaving me a comment, sorry I've taken so long to get back with you...stupid gallbladder is acting up again! Hope you're doing well and having a great WOYWW! Hugs, Deeyll #144

Laura said...

Hi, BJ, I'm late in returning your visit from last week -- happy belated WOYWW. :) Lovely stuff you've got going on this week -- I jumped over to check out "stencil bumping" because I'd never heard of it -- now I definitely want to try it! ~ Laura #106