Two more days to go on
"An Attitude of Gratitude". Today's theme is Seasons, which is just as I am doing my Altered Book cover which is also on Seasons - how cool is that?
The technique - to use household objects for printing on your page! I knabbed the dough cutters from my son's old playdough set but the thing I love the most to print with is a wheel from his lego set. Yep - my all time favourite thing and I keep one in my craft drawer at all times!

I sprayed my page green with perfect pearls heirloom gold top left and pearl bottom right. Of course I taped the seem beforehand (don't want anymore Day 5 seepage) and used some torn pieces of tape on the page too.
I printed a lego wheel road/fence and hoped the cutters would make good houses. Unfortunately they didn't print too well so I filled in with a brush! I made the seasons in the meadow left to right. I used the end of my paintbrush for the yellow, cheated and painted the red. I used scrunched up paper for the brown and added pearl stars top right.

I added my scripture which says not to get weary of doing good as you will reap in due season if you don't give up. Have to say I am getting a tad weary of this daily journaling and nearly lost it when I spilt the green ink all over my desk and it splashed on the floor, bed valance, quilt, carpet and my watch! But I am determined to finish the challenge.
Two more days to go ................
Hi BJ - thanks for stopping by & glad that you could see he Friendship bag writing - albeit with a bit of squinting !! Disaster on the ink front - just trying to envisage how ink got on the valence !! Hope it will come out Journalling each day for a month is a might task - well done you !! I start on Journal Your Christmas on Saturday - hoping photos & text won't be so tough to keep up - although now you have planted a seed in my mind, I might do a couple of art journal pages too !! Take care & hope the ink gives in gracefully ! Ali x #24
BJ, I love how you made your page! Great interpretation of the theme and use of the household objects. I am SO going to get a Lego wheel out of the kids' old stash! Amazing idea!
I ran out of steam today, we have a craft sale for our church on Friday and Saturady and I've been trying to get some tags, banners, gift cards, etc. ready for that. Not enough time in the day. I will probably do 2 days tomorrow. So close to the end, I'm not giving up now. Yes, journaling every day has been a challenge but I'm glad I did it! I do miss making cards, though! But the best part has been getting to know you and Bernice!!
Sorry I’ve not been around much lately. I finally got my head out of my basement so I could stop by!
You did an excellent job with both the theme AND the use of household items. I've heard of Legos, but never seen one OR a lego wheel. I can see why it's a fav.
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